Thursday, February 19, 2015

Healthy Smile Series: The Sip for a Healthy Smile....

Starting your morning with a daily cup of java could keep your teeth and gums healthy.
 Boston University scientists reporting in the Journal of Periodontology looked at 30 years of dental history from 1,152 adults. What they found: people who sipped one or more cups of coffee a day had the fewest teeth with bone loss, which is a sign of periodontal disease. Study author Elizabeth Kaye, Ph.D. explains that periodontal tissue becomes inflamed when exposed to bacteria,which can damage gums and teeth. But coffee contains chemicals that counteract the inflammation, as well as antioxidants that 'mop-up' harmful free radicals. 

A word of caution: if you sip coffee be sure to brush, or at the very least rinse your mouth with a glass of water to avoid tooth decay. Coffee, especially if sweetened with sugar can lead to tooth decay. 

Here are some tips for keeping your teeth healthy: 

Tips for Brushing and Flossing

Good Home Care

How to prevent Cavities

Schedule a dental evaluation  

First Magazine for Women
Boston University
Brian S. Nylaan, D.D.S. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dental Whitening Series: Instant Smile brighteners

If you need, or want, to flash a gleaming smile try these quick tricks.... 

Try a blue-based lipstick:

Sweeping on a lipstick with blue undertones (pinky-red or fushia hues) will counteract any yellowing of the teeth so your smile appears whiter in seconds.

Try a lip stain on your gums: 

Rubbing a dark pink lip stain on the gums creates a contrast between the gums and the teeth helping teeth to look two shades whiter. To do: remove excess moisture from the gums by blotting with a tissue, then apply the stain with your finger.

Try a shimmery gloss: 

When enamel wears thin, teeth can take on a very lackluster appearance. Help add shine by applying a clear gloss which reflects light off the teeth for a healthy, beautiful sheen.

For a more permanent smile brightener we recommend Custom tray home whitening or in-office Laser whitening.


First Magazine
Nylaan Dental Team

Nylaan Dental
5011 Plainfield Ave NE
Grand Rapids MI 49525

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Dental Whitening Series: Why should you whiten your teeth ?

When the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry asked women what they would like to change most about their smiles an overwhelming majority chose brighter, whiter teeth - it is no surprise: A glowing grin boosts confidence, imparts good health and can help us look up to 10 years younger.

A recent Crest survey revealed that whiter teeth have a direct correlation with social and professional success. The researchers found that women who whiten their teeth were 50% more likely to have a higher salary and more job offers, and were considered more professional, friendly and attractive than those who did not whiten.

Once you whiten your teeth your smile will be so luminous you will not be able to stop smiling and who does not like to see or share a beautiful smile?

For more information visit our website.


First Magazine
American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
Crest - Proctor and Gamble
Nylaan Dental 

Nylaan Dental
5011 Plainfield Ave NE
Grand Rapids MI 49525