Thursday, June 28, 2012

Put your dental problems to bed

When it comes to your dental health, consistency counts. Establishing simple routines and practicing them faithfully are the best ways to keep your mouth healthy and your teeth strong.

Taking care of your teeth during the day can prevent dental problems, but nighttime oral care is just as important. That’s because neglecting your teeth at night can undo all your daytime efforts. For starters, the American Dental Association recommends brushing your teeth both in the morning and at night with fluoride toothpaste, flossing between teeth before bed, and limiting between-meal snacks — that includes those late-night ones too. Find out what other steps you should be taking.

Watch What You Eat

Have you heard the saying, You are what you eat? Believe it or not, it also applies to your teeth. Remind yourself of it, especially if you're tempted to snack before bed. Go for healthy options. Calcium-rich foods, like milk and yogurt, will help keep your teeth strong. Fiber-rich foods, like apples, broccoli, and almonds, stimulate saliva production, which reduces the number of bacteria in the mouth. And whole grains, like brown rice and whole-grain pasta, provide iron and vitamin B for healthy gums, and magnesium for strong teeth.

The Worst Foods for Your Teeth

Sticky foods like taffy, gummy candies, and caramel cling to your teeth, providing the fuel that harmful bacteria need to multiply. At night, because you don't swallow as much while you sleep, the bacteria in your mouth can easily multiply. Avoiding sticky foods will help keep their numbers down and protect your teeth. If you do indulge yourself in a sweet and sticky treat, be sure to brush and floss soon afterward. Also, watch out for foods, like popcorn kernels or hard candies, that can break a tooth if you bite down too hard on them.

The Biggest Enemy

Plaque, the bad guy in the battle for healthy teeth, is a film of bacteria on the surface of your teeth. When you eat carbohydrate-rich foods like sugar, breads, pastas, and soda, the sugars and starches help the bacteria multiply and release acids that harm the enamel of your teeth over time and lead to cavities. However, you can sleep easy knowing that when you brush, floss, and rinse with a fluoride mouthwash, you're also attacking plaque at the same time

Fighting Gum Disease  

Gingivitis, an early form of gum disease, occurs when plaque builds up below the gum line and hardens into a substance known as tartar. Left untreated, gingivitis can develop into a more serious form of gum disease called periodontitis — a leading cause of tooth loss in later years. Red, swollen, tender gums and bleeding after brushing or flossing are early warning signs that gingivitis may be developing. Brushing and flossing regularly — during the day and before bed — are the best ways to prevent gingivitis

The Best Ways to Fight Plaque

Cavities occur when the acids in plaque break down enamel, the tooth's outer surface. The best way to prevent cavities is to brush in the morning and brush and floss before bed each and every night. Why? Because the bacteria that create plaque are constantly dividing and multiplying, so must be removed regularly. Fluoride, a mineral contained in most toothpastes, protects teeth by bonding with enamel and creating a harder surface. Toothbrush options include manual toothbrushes, and for extra brushing strength, power brushes.

Drill and Fill

Once plaque breaches the tooth's defense system of enamel and causes a cavity, a filling is required to re-create a hard, protective surface. After numbing the area, the dentist uses a drill to remove the weakened enamel and replaces it with a filling material, such as metals like gold, base metal alloys, and dental amalgam, or with white composite materials that match your natural tooth color. The material is selected by you and your dentist based on a variety of factors, including where the cavity is located, how large it is, and the cost.

Morning Breath vs. Bad Breath

When you wake up in the morning, your mouth is dry from not swallowing much throughout the night, and that's what typically causes "morning breath." Chronic badbreath (known medically as halitosis) can be caused by eating such foods as garlic or onions, which enter the bloodstream and are exhaled with every breath. It can also be the result of poor oral hygiene — if so, regular brushing and flossing can provide relief. Certain medical conditions can also cause halitosis, so if bad breath is a recurring problem for you, talk with your dentist or doctor to pinpoint the cause.


Show Off Your Pearly Whites

As we age, tooth enamel can become discolored and dull. Avoiding substances known to stain teeth (coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco products, for example) can help prevent stains in the first place. A whitening toothpaste can add an extra brightening boost, removing surface stains. If brushing alone doesn't remove stains, many in-home and professionalteeth-whitening options are available. If you use a whitening product, be sure to follow the directions faithfully, especially when using the product overnight. Not doing so can damage your enamel and lead to bigger problems.

Don't Skip Your Appointments

Regular trips to your dentist are just as important as your daytime and nighttime oral routines. That's because seeing your dentist frequently gives him or her the opportunity to catch problems early – before they turn into major trouble. Talk to your dentist about how often you should visit, but in general, two to three visits a year are normal. If it has been a while since you've seen your dentist, schedule an appointment today. Doing so could save you thousands of dollars in expensive dental work down the line!

Dealing With Dental Emergencies

Sometimes, dental emergencies arise — a tooth gets knocked out or broken; a crown lifts off. When such mishaps occur, call your dentist immediately and describe the problem in as much detail as possible. He or she will schedule an office visit and advise you on what to do in the meantime. Quick action can make the difference between saving a tooth and losing a tooth.

Put Dental Problems to Bed

As you can see, when it comes to having healthy teeth, slow and steady wins the race. Daytime and nighttime oral care at home, paired with regular dental checkups, can head off most — if not all — dental problems. It's that easy! Just develop these good dental habits, and you'll be well on your way to putting dental problems to bed.