Thursday, January 31, 2013

More than dental care; we believe in your overall health

We believe that when you come to us, you are trusting us with your health.
For us, health is not only about the mouth it's about your whole body and what is going on in your body. We take time to explore all of this, starting with a blood pressure check and oral cancer screening. 
A good number of patients have thanked us for finding undiagnosed hypertension that they then followed up with their primary care physicians. Finding suspicious changes in the mouth, head and neck has also alerted patients to go for further diagnostic testing. Since our patients often see us more than their physicians, we consider it time well used and part of our comprehensive caring.

We believe that you have a right to know what is going on in your body and that teaching involves more than just telling. It would be easier and quicker to just do the exam and tell you what you need. That`s what the great majority of dentist offices do, so anything else feels different. Our process of co-discovery takes more time and involves you in exploring and really understanding what`s going on in your body. That understanding gives you better knowledge for making decisions for your care.

~ Olivia