Thursday, August 22, 2013

The piercing truth about oral jewelry

Some people like the personal image created by body piercing. Oral piercings might look cool, but they can be dangerous to your health.

Your mouth contains millions of bacteria, and infection and swelling often occur with mouth piercings.

You might not realize that your mouth and tongue could swell so much that it closes off your airway, or you could choke if part of the jewelry breaks off in your mouth. In some cases, you could crack a tooth if you bite down too hard on the piercing, and repeated clicking of the jewelry against teeth can also cause damage. Oral piercings also could lead to more serious infections, such as hepatitis or endocarditis.

If you pierce your tongue, lips, cheeks or uvula — the tiny tissue that hangs at the back of the throat — it can interfere with speech, chewing or swallowing.

Here are some other problems caused by piercing: 

Infection, pain and swelling 

Your mouth is a moist environment, home to a huge amount of breeding bacteria and an ideal place for infection. An infection quickly can become life threatening if not treated promptly. 

Damage to teeth and gums 

A common habit of biting or playing with the piercing can injure your gums and lead to cracked, scratched or sensitive teeth. Piercings also can damage fillings. 

Nerve damage 

After a piercing, you might experience a numb tongue caused by nerve damage that usually is temporary but sometimes can be permanent. The injured nerve might affect your sense of taste or how you move your mouth. 

Excessive drooling 

Your tongue piercing can lead to increased saliva production and excessive drooling. Not cool at the dinner table. 

Difficulties at the dental office 

The jewelry can get in the way of dental care by blocking X-rays and making it difficult to perform certain procedures.

Of course, the best option is to consider removing mouth jewelry before it causes a problem. But if you already have piercings, you should be sure to contact your dentist or physician immediately if you have any signs of infection — swelling, pain, fever, chills, shaking or a red-streaked appearance around the site of the piercing. 

If you already have piercings 

It’s important to keep the piercing site clean and free of anything that might collect on the jewelry by using a mouth rinse after every meal. Avoid clicking the jewelry against teeth. Be gentle and aware of the jewelry’s movement when talking and chewing.  

Check the tightness of your jewelry periodically — with clean hands. This can help prevent you from swallowing or choking if the jewelry becomes dislodged. When playing sports, remove the jewelry and protect your mouth with a mouth guard. See your dentist regularly and remember to brush twice a day and floss daily.

These are just some of the complications related to oral piercings. So, although they might seem like a fun way to express yourself, oral piercings are not without risks. Before deciding to go this route, consider the possible effects such a choice can have on your oral and overall health. 

Reference:  West Michigan District Dental Society 

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