Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why water makes you smarter...

H20 makes you even brainier 

Students who sipped water during an exam scored better than those who did not sip water a study found. Dehydration can elevate levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Plus, drinking water improves concentration. 

It helps you exercise harder
Drinking ice-cold water before a workout can help you last longer, according to a review of studies. Pre-cooling your body wards off heat-induced fatigue and increase tolerance for steamy conditions. 

It makes your metabolism whir
People who drink only 32 ounces of water a day burn fewer calories than folks who drink the right amount, according to a University of Utah study. Hydrated cells function more efficiently

It keeps your skin looking gorgeous
Hydrated cells are better at balancing oil production, so skin looks smoother, fresher and less puffy,  says Howard Murad, MD author of The Water Secret

Reference: Meredith Engel, Cosmo Magazine 

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