Thursday, August 21, 2014

6 Habits That Help Prevent Tooth Decay

Kids aren't the only ones prone to tooth cavities, but you can take steps to lower your risk for tooth decay and other dental problems.

Habits That Prevent Tooth Decay
Dental Problems: How Tooth Decay Happens
Tooth decay occurs from the buildup of plaque acids on your teeth. After eating a meal or snack, bacteria in your mouth start working (they’re especially fond of meals that contain carbohydrates and sugars) and break down leftover particles of food, which produces acids. The acids then combine with debris in the mouth to form a sticky substance called plaque. Plaque tends to deposit on molars and near the gum line of teeth.
Plaque acids build up quickly, within 20 minutes after eating, and can be destructive to your dental health. Plaque continues to harbor these acids and is the leading cause of periodontal disease, or gum disease. "When acids are left on the teeth, they demineralize the teeth," says Jolene R. Zirnheld, DMD, of the Louisville Center for Cosmetic Dentistry in Louisville, Kentucky. In other words, acids make the enamel of the tooth weaker. If the weakened tooth continues to decay, then a hole, called a tooth cavity, will form. If a cavity is left untreated, the tooth decay will continue, and the cavity will enlarge. An abscess, or infection, may develop, and eventually, the tooth can be destroyed.
Six Healthy Habits for Healthy Teeth
Most people know that brushing and flossing are important to prevent dental problems, but Dr. Zirnheld says that today that's just not enough for healthy teeth. "In this age of soda, coffee, sports drinks, and bottled water, it is easy to develop cavities," explains Zirnheld. "Most people drink bottled or filtered water — which does not contain tooth-strengthening fluoride — sip on soda, or grab a latte without brushing after." All these habits can weaken teeth, and the sugar from beverages like soda, juice, and milk feed the bacteria in your mouth, allowing tooth decay to set in.
Here are six healthy habits to prevent tooth decay and promote healthy teeth:
  1. Brush frequently. Once a day won't cut it: Every morning and every night is the minimum to maintain healthy teeth and prevent dental problems. It’s even better to continually get rid of food particles that lead to tooth decay throughout the day. "The key is to drink or eat your meals or snacks and then brush very soon after," says Zirnheld. "If that is not possible, rinse with water or chew a sugar-free gum to help reduce the plaque and lower the acidity of your mouth." You should also use toothpaste that contains fluoride, which strengthens teeth and protects them against decay.
  2. Floss daily. Though brushing is important, it's not enough. Your toothbrush can't get into those deep nooks and crannies in between your teeth, but dental floss can. Flossing at least once per day is necessary to get rid of the food particles hiding between your teeth and any plaque that has already formed.
  3. Get regular dental checkups. See your dentist for a professional cleaning and checkup twice each year to keep teeth clean and healthy. Your dentist may also take X-rays of your teeth to look for early signs of tooth decay.
  4. Limit sugary foods and drinks. No sugarcoating here! All those sweets stick to your teeth and lead to decay when bacteria feed on them and form acids. If you’re going to enjoy a snack, be sure to swish with water or brush your teeth right after. Otherwise, the bacteria that enter to break down the food end up creating plaque, which can destroy your enamel and create dental problems.
  5. Drink tap water. Though bottled water may seem convenient or healthier, it's lacking something very important for dental health: fluoride. Tap water from most municipal water systems has added fluoride, but bottled water doesn't contain enough to protect teeth.
  6. Get a sealant. Sealants are used to coat and cover the teeth in the back of your mouth to prevent tooth decay. A plastic sealant (or coating) is applied, which helps prevent plaque buildup in those tough-to-reach places. Though usually applied to children's teeth, adults can get them, too.
Remember that cavities don’t just affect kids. Following these healthy habits throughout adulthood will help you protect your teeth from tooth decay.
Reference: Everyday Health By Diana Rodriguez