Thursday, August 27, 2015

Healthy Smile Series: Denture Care

Contrary to popular belief, losing your teeth is NOT a natural part of aging anymore.

Disease and trauma are the main causes of tooth loss, and while trauma may be beyond your control, you can prevent disease in your teeth and gums with proper habits and teeth can be replaced with dental implants.

Your teeth CAN last for your entire lifetime.

If things do not go as planned and you do find yourself with dentures, good oral hygiene is still important.

Plaque builds up on your dentures like natural teeth and can damage the surrounding gum tissues and cause bad breath. Brush your dentures and your gums as often as you would your natural teeth.

Even if you have full dentures you should visit a dental professional on a regular basis to ensure that your dentures fit as they should and that your gum tissues are healthy.

Brought to you by Nylaan Dental