Thursday, September 10, 2015

Healthy Smile Series ~ Laser Dentistry - what is the buzz all about?

Brian S. Nylaan, D.D.S.
So I must admit at my last dental cleaning Dr. Brian found a cavity. Oh no - how could this happen?? I work in the dental profession. I brush, I floss. I have some acid re-flux - another great part of getting older; Not !

No one wants to have a cavity filled. Everyone flashes back to the dental drill, the fat lip, the sound of the dental drill, all the terrible things we remember from our dental visits as a child.

So much has changed in the dental profession. In our office we have electric handpieces. There is a lot less noise. This handpiece does not generate as much heat, so less cold water is needed. Bottom line is it is a lot more comfortable.

This is my tooth after having
the restoration placed.
Our office also uses Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA). This way we can numb only the tooth being worked on instead of numbing your lip, tongue and cheek. We also have Oraverse. This reverses the effect of the dental anesthesia, so you can have your entire area numbed, and we can reverse the numbing after your treatment, so the fat lip and cheek feeling goes away much more quickly.

Today I had my tooth fixed with the dental laser. Oh my goodness. While I would not recommend getting a cavity, if you need to have a cavity restored, laser dentistry is definitely the way to go. There is still a handpiece being used, but there is no noise and no heat. The laser evaporates the diseased tooth structure which is then replaced with a fluoride emitting tooth colored resin. If you looked at my tooth, you would not be able to tell I had a restoration placed today. I do not have a numb lip, so no droopy smile, no slurred speech.

If you would like to see S.T.A. in action watch our video. To schedule your appointment contact our office and experience our expert care and new dental technology for yourself. After all, don't you deserve the best dental care that is available?

We believe that you do deserve to have excellent dental care in a warm caring environment. ~ Kris
Kris ~ Office Administrator