Thursday, June 7, 2012

Have a safe summer ~ take our quiz to test your hot-weather health IQ

1. Your husband runs out of the ocean yelling that he's been stung by a jellyfish. Do you:

(a) Pee on him. If Friends taught you anything, it’s that urine is the best antidote for a jellyfish sting.

Pour vinegar on the area.

Douse the wound with cool freshwater.

2. In the seventh inning of your daughter’s softball game, you see a flash of lightning, followed 10 seconds later by a clap of thunder. You don’t panic because:

(a) The number of seconds between flash and clap tells you the storm is 10 miles off; there’s time to finish the game.

The kids are wearing sneakers, and rubber protects people from lightning, so they should be safe.

As long as the rain holds off and you can see blue sky, it’s okay to stay outside.

None of the above; you should gather up the kids and get them inside pronto.

3. The most dangerous creature you’re likely to encounter this summer is:

A dog

A bee

A shark

A rattlesnake

4. A drowning child is most likely to:

Be quiet, still, and low in the water.

Struggle to get an adult’s attention by waving and splashing.

Yell for help repeatedly.

5. It’s a sweaty 90-degree afternoon and you’re hosting a backyard barbecue. The leftover burgers and potato salad are out on the picnic table. It’s safe to leave them unrefrigerated for:

No more than 30 minutes

No more than an hour

No more than three hours

6. An hour into a hike, you notice the trail is littered with poison oak. Thankfully, you know that a good way to avoid a rash is to: 

(a) apply a protective cream on exposed skin before leaving the car.

Take a warm, soapy shower once you get home.

Pour Gatorade on any exposed skin.

7. You check on an elderly neighbor during a scorching heat wave. Her skin is red and she is complaining of a headache and dizziness. You take her temperature; it’s 104 degrees. Your next move should be to: 

(a) Lower her temperature with a cool shower, or a spray from a garden hose.

Give her a big glass of ice water to drink.

Call 911.

8. You’re having a beach day with your kids. You apply sunscreen:

(a) As soon as they’re done swimming. They won’t get sunburned when they’re in the water.

Every two hours, or more often if they’re sweating or constantly in and out of the ocean.

At 10 a.m., when the sun’s rays are first strong enough to damage the skin.

9. It’s boating season! The best way to survive an accident on the water is to:

Hold on to a life ring and have a whistle handy.

Wear an approved personal flotation device.

The most likely victims of fireworks injuries are:

Males under age 20

Firefighters supervising municipal displays

Dads showing off for their kids


1. (b). The acetic acid that makes up vinegar neutralizes many types of jellyfish venom. Rinsing with cool freshwater will only make the pain worse, and despite what you may have seen on sitcoms, there’s no evidence that urine is an effective treatment.

(d). As soon as you see lightning, head indoors (a metal roofed car is your next-best bet). One-sided shelters like dugouts offer no protection; neither do rubber-soled shoes. And that old counting rule? You actually need to divide by five; a 10-second delay means the storm is just two miles away.

(b). In the average year, 43 Americans die from bee stings, 20 to 30 from dog bites, 5 to 10 from rattlesnake bites, and maybe one from a shark attack. If you have difficulty breathing or develop all-body hives after a bee sting, seek immediate medical attention.

4. (
a). A drowning person is usually unable to yell or splash. Keep an eye on kids who aren’t strong swimmers; sudden silence may be the only sign they’re in trouble.

(b). To avoid food poisoning, cook meats thoroughly and refrigerate leftovers promptly. When temperatures soar over 90 degrees, food should not be left out for more than an hour.

6. (
a). Protect yourself ahead of time by slathering on a topical cream like Ivy Block, which contains the active ingredient bentoquatam. The plants’ poisonous oil binds to skin and often becomes impossible to wash off after just 15 minutes.

7. (
c). The elderly are at high risk for life-threatening heat stroke. Once EMTs are on the way, cooling the person’s skin with water becomes the top priority. Do not offer food or drink, as muscle spasms sometimes accompany heat stroke, which could cause choking.
(b). The sun’s rays can cause skin damage in as little as 15 minutes, and both UVA and UVB rays can penetrate water. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen throughout the day to ensure full protection.

9. (
b). Of the 672 Americans who died in recreational boating accidents in 2010, nearly three-fourths of them drowned. Keeping a life ring and other safety gear on board is advised, but wearing an approved flotation device is the single best precautionary measure.

10. (a). Kids and teenagers suffer more than half of all fireworks-related injuries, and boys are nearly twice as likely to be hurt as girls. Leave the lighting and setting to adults or, better yet, professionals.

Grand Rapids Press - Parade

We all wish you a safe, fun filled summer season!

~ Brian S. Nylaan, D.D.S. , Kris, Olivia, LeAnne, Val, Shauna, Dana, Julie & Kaitie