Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Tooth loss can damage health

A recent national survey of more than 50,000 adults showed that half have at least one missing tooth, according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID).

The survey, which was conducted by implant manufacturer Nobel Biocare, also found that only one in three respondents were aware that missing teeth can damage facial contour, and just 25% knew that tooth loss causes bone erosion in the jaw."Many patients who have lost one or more teeth believe the personal impact is strictly aesthetic and, as a result, may not choose to replace a lost tooth," said AAID President Beverly Dunn, D.D.S., in a press release.

"However, just one missing tooth can lead to significant bone loss over time that can alter the jaw structure, cause other teeth to shift, and change the shape of your face."Also, because people with missing teeth have trouble chewing certain foods, such as fruits and vegetables, they often eliminate these dietary staples from their daily regimens, Dr. Dunn added.

Dental implants are one solution for replacing missing teeth, and implant surgery is one of the safest, most precise, and most predictable  procedures in dentistry when performed by skilled implant dentist. Dr. Dunn said.

Reference – Dr. Bicuspid newsletter

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