Thursday, May 23, 2013

Stress Busters - Here are five ways to put tension to rest

Managing your stress is important to your overall health. If chronic stress is left untreated, it can result in many serious health conditions, including high blood pressure, insomnia, a weakened immune system, anxiety and muscle pain. 

When stress is at its peak, it's hard to find the time to take a break, relax and regroup. To reduce stress, try these simple tips:

Get active: You don't have to be an athlete. Any kind of physical activity can act as a stress reliever. Try walking, dancing, swimming. The most important thing is to get moving.

Connect: When you are stressed and busy, it is easy to close yourself off and start to feel disconnected. Reach out to friends and family or join a group exercise class to keep yourself plugged in.

Laugh: Maximize your happiness by a good laugh, even if it is forced. Laughter triggers a relaxing response naturally within your body. At the very least smile. Smiling triggers a similar relaxing response within your body.

Meditate: Meditation helps you declutter your thoughts and refocus your attention. This time benefits both your emotional well-being and overall health through instilling a sense of calmness, peace and balance. Yoga is a great way to learn to begin to listen to your body and relieve tension. If you have never tried yoga, this is a perfect time to visit the YMCA. We have classes for every level. You will be surprised at how good you feel when you are done.

Sleep: You have too much to do and too much to think about, leading to many restless nights. Try to stick to a consistent, relaxing bedtime routine. Listen to soothing music and limit screen time before bed. Invest in a Snore appliance for your bed mate or a Sleep Apnea appliance for yourself if this is disrupting your sleep.

By Deborah MacDonald
Healthy Living Program Specialist