Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dental Whitening Series: Instant Smile brighteners

If you need, or want, to flash a gleaming smile try these quick tricks.... 

Try a blue-based lipstick:

Sweeping on a lipstick with blue undertones (pinky-red or fushia hues) will counteract any yellowing of the teeth so your smile appears whiter in seconds.

Try a lip stain on your gums: 

Rubbing a dark pink lip stain on the gums creates a contrast between the gums and the teeth helping teeth to look two shades whiter. To do: remove excess moisture from the gums by blotting with a tissue, then apply the stain with your finger.

Try a shimmery gloss: 

When enamel wears thin, teeth can take on a very lackluster appearance. Help add shine by applying a clear gloss which reflects light off the teeth for a healthy, beautiful sheen.

For a more permanent smile brightener we recommend Custom tray home whitening or in-office Laser whitening.


First Magazine
Nylaan Dental Team

Nylaan Dental
5011 Plainfield Ave NE
Grand Rapids MI 49525